Ravens Grove Foundation for Healing was established to create and present programs that apply time-tested techniques to the treatment of trauma. Each program includes both traditional and alternative therapeutic approaches to healing.

These techniques are not unique to our programs. Practitioners worldwide use them successfully to work with their clients. Many of the techniques are thousands of years old, though updated to be compatible with our culture and time. However, the combination and structure we have created are deeply rooted in the observation that healing is experiential and involves the whole person: body, mind, heart, and soul.

The retreat format affords the perfect opportunity to take our clients on an extended, focused journey – a quest for wholeness – in a supportive, caring, and yet mentally and emotionally challenging way. The retreats are a method of deep treatment and teaching. It is an experiential intensive that uses ancient practices to address the deeper levels of the individual through training, ritual and ceremony.

During the retreat, participants are taken into a progressively deeper journey into the soul. Along the way, a safe container is created within which they can "tell their story," the dark stories and secrets that are at the root of the emotional pain.

Also during the retreat, participants are taught a variety of practices they can do themselves to help when the going gets difficult. These practices can be done individually or with the family or support group.

The Four Realms of Healing

• Physical
• Intellectual
• Emotional
• Spiritual

The Four Directions of the Medicine Wheel fit with the Four Realms of Healing, and also with the BASK model protocol for healing of trauma. This diagram illustrates the structure we use in our programs. Learn more.

Key Program Elements

The Shamanic Journey
The drumming journey is a fundamental aspect of ancient practices, and has been practiced for thousands of years. Participants will learn how to journey and will take part in several journeys throughout the retreat.

Rituals for Letting Go
There are many varieties of Ritual Burial: in earth, fire, and water. Ritual Burial is letting go of attachments, including attachments to the past and to fear.

Curses and Healing
Encounters with abusers, as with enemy combatants, involve the entire being – mind, emotions, body, and soul. During battle, for example, soldiers engage all of themselves in the struggle for survival. In that process, curses are sent and received, as well as blows and bullets. This is no less true of rape and other forms of abuse. The extraction process identifies and removes the curses.

Soul Retrieval
In ancient and indigenous tribal cultures, soul loss is considered a central cause of illnesses of the mind, body, and spirit. Pieces of the Self are lost through encounters with Power. Soul Retrieval is an ancient practice in which the healer journeys to find one or more of these lost pieces and return them in order to re-integrate the person – the Whole Self.

For more information about the program or donations please

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